A |
active learning adult illiteracy
B |
boarding school brain drain brain gain
C |
common good critical thinking cooperative learning civil society civic education communication technology cultural diversity culture shock
D |
decision making developed countries developing countries
E |
ecological crisis educational system energy preservation equal opportunity equal rights
F |
formal education free time
G |
gender gap general assembly generation gap global citizenship
H |
health care high priority higher education human rights have access have fun
I |
informal education information technology international community international organisations
J |
joint responsibility
L |
local community low pay labour market labour force
M |
make mistakes micro credit micro enterprises moral obligations
N |
natural disaster non-formal education non-profit organisation non-governmental organisations note taking
P |
peer pressure problem solving property rights poverty alleviation
R |
raw materials renewable energies rural-urban linkage rural areas
S |
social justice social network sustainable development
U |
urban areas
V |
vicious circle virtual community